College and Career Readiness Indicators
It is our goal that Hoover High students not only graduate, but also that they are prepared for success for what they hope to achieve after graduation. There are multiple ways for students to prove that they are college and career ready in addition to earning a diploma. We encourage all students to actively seek at least one of the below College and Career Ready Indicators while in high school.
- Earn an ACT benchmark score on any section of the ACT.
English - 18
Math - 22
Reading - 22
Science - 23 - Make a qualifying AP or IB exam score.
AP- 3 or above
IB - 4 or above - Earn college credit through dual enrollment or concurrent enrollment with a postsecondary institution.
- Earn a WorkKeys benchmark level
WorkKeys benchmark - Silver - Earn an approved career technical industry credential. Credentials can be earned from the below academies and programs:
Air Force JROTC
Business and Entrepreneurship Academy
Culinary and Hospitality Academy
Cyber Innovation Academy
Engineering Academy
Fire Science Academy
Health Science Academy
Skilled Trades Academy - Military Enlistment