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Hoover High School

Champions in all we do

Graduation FAQ

Graduation Frequently Asked Questions:

When is Hoover High School Graduation?

  • HHS graduation is May 21, 2025, 4:30 PM, UAB Bartow Arena

How do students recieve their purchased cap, gown, tassels?

  • Graduation items will be distributed in May at HHS to students that have paid for their order on

Can graduates wear unapproved cords/stoles/medals/pins to graduation?

  • No, students can only wear approved cords to graduation. The approved list was shared with seniors and their families in January. If there are questions please contact the sponsor of the organization.

Can graduates decorate their caps for the ceremony?

  • No.

Do I have to attend graduation practice in order to participate in the commencement ceremony?

  • Yes, graduates must attend graduation practice in order to participate in the commencement ceremony. 

Do I have to ride the bus to graduation practice the morning of the 21st?

  • Yes

Are parents invited to attend the graduation practice?

  • No

What time should graduates arrive at UAB Bartow Arena for the ceremony?

  • Graduates should arrive by 3:30 PM.

Do my guests need an admission ticket?

  • Yes, graduates will receive tickets to distribute to guests for admission to HHS graduation.  We do not have extra tickets.

When will the graduates receive their graduation tickets?

  • Seniors are required to return their school issued Chromebooks, chargers, and books and pay any outstanding fees before they will receive their guest tickets for graduation. Details for ticket distribution will be shared with students at the senior class meeting in January and immediately after with parents in an update from Mr. Deason.

What time does general admission open for guests?

  • General Admission for guests begins at 3:30 PM.  Every guest must have a ticket in order to gain admission.  Admission for handicapped guests plus one other that have been registered through the google form begins at 3:00 PM.

How do I register a guest for handicapped parking/admission?

  • Complete the Handicapped parking/seating reservation. This reservation form will become available in April. Please note, this will allow the handicapped guest plus one other member of the graduation party admission beginning at 3:00PM.  More information will be provided to the person completing this form closer to the event.

Is there reserved seating for graduation?

  • For guests, seating is first come, first served.  There is no reserved seating available.  

Where should guests park?

  • Graduates and their guests are encouraged to arrive in one vehicle as parking is limited.  

Are parents allowed to be with their graduate prior to the ceremony after entering Bartow?

  • No, we ask that guests remain in the provided seating and allow their student this time to be with their classmates and to prepare for the ceremony.

What type of gifts for graduates or items are prohibited?

  • No gifts of balloons or items that block the view of other attendees are allowed.  Noisemakers are prohibited and guests are asked to hold all applause until the last graduate’s name is called.

Will photographs be available of the graduation ceremony?

  • A photographer from Iron City Studios will be taking photographs of graduates as they receive their diploma.  Guests of graduates are not permitted on the arena floor.

Do students receive their diploma and other documents at the graduation ceremony?

  • Graduates are given their diploma cover at the ceremony and will be able to pick up their actual diploma packets from HHS beginning on the 22nd in the front lobby of the school.


The weather in Alabama can be hot in May. We cannot open doors to the public until the stated times due to UAB regulations. Please encourage your guests to dress comfortably but appropriately considering the importance of this ceremony.